Mac office license removal tool
Mac office license removal tool

Restarting your Mac also solves all sorts of other problems like apps that refuse to open or an Apple Watch that won’t unlock your Mac, which is why it’s so often touted as a go-to troubleshooting solution. To remove previous licenses and cached account information: download the file, extract the OLicenseCleanup. You can then check how much free space you have using Finder. Run the VL Serializer on each Mac where Office is installed. If you’ve deleted everything but still aren’t seeing as much free space as you’d have hoped, give your Mac a restart by clicking Apple > Restart. Download the Volume License (VL) Serializer for Office LTSC for Mac 2021 from the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).

mac office license removal tool

Finally, open the Trash and click “Empty” to permanently delete everything you just removed. Not that anything is wrong with the suite, but you may need to delete it because you are switching your PC, or may want to free up the license key so it can be. You can do this by clicking and dragging the dock icon until you see “Remove” appear, then release. Lastly, any dock items you might still have should be removed. Remove Any Dock Icons Left Over and Empty Trash

  • any files that begin “Office2011_” from Library/Receipts.
  • the “Microsoft” folder from Library/Fonts.
  • the “Microsoft” folder from Library/Application Support.
  • mac office license removal tool

    at and choose an installer for your new PC or Mac. To uninstall the License Removal Tool by dragging the Microsoft Office License Removal file from Finder > Desktop or Downloads, then move it to Trash (Bin).

    mac office license removal tool

    .helper from Library/PrivilegedHelperTools Transferring Microsoft Office software to a new computer is much easier than it.

    Mac office license removal tool